
Me and Bobby

This is the weblog for acoustic band Me and Bobby. Have a root around and feel free to leave comments on any open threads. Contact: info(at)

Friday, May 21, 2004

Me and Bobby

Hello and welcome to the Me and Bobby blog. We're not quite sure what to do with it yet, but we've got all sorts of ideas, so hopefully this will become a more engaging, useful and interesting place to find out about the band. We're hoping, in time, to include all the usual websitey things like songs to download and pictures, but it'll all be arranged in a slightly haphazard, chronological order so you might have to root around a bit to find things - our hope is that this will be a bit more fun than clicking on a page marked 'songs' to hear some songs, 'pics' to see some pics etc. However, you'll always find news of our latest forthcoming gigs somewhere near the top, cos we wouldn't want you to miss those! There will also be some discussion threads left open for you to leave your thoughts, get in touch, whatever.
This is presently the only official source of Me and Bobby news on the weird wonky web (not counting all those bothersome fan-sites).

So, here we go - together in electric dreams...